About Sachdeva College of Pharmacy

There is no elevator to success you have to take the stairs.

Best Pharmacy College in Chandigarh region

Sachdeva College of Pharmacy is established by Sachdeva Educational Society (regd.) backed by Management of GGS College of Modern Technology, Kharar. SCP is one of the best pharmacy college in Chandigarh region. The Institute is located on the mid way Kharar-Morinda (Chandigarh-Ludhiana Highway). It has been specially designed for the purpose of imparting value based education. Its location is quite, peaceful & ideal pursuit of excellence in academics. A totally pollution free ambiance truly conducive to higher contemplation, growth and learning.

Sachdeva College of Pharmacy is established by Sachdeva Educational Society (regd.) backed by Management of GGS College of Modern Technology, Kharar. The Institute is located on the mid way Kharar-Morinda (Chandigarh-Ludhiana Highway). It has been specially designed for the purpose of imparting value based education. Its location is quite, peaceful & ideal pursuit of excellence in academics. A totally pollution free ambiance truly conducive to higher contemplation, growth and learning.

Sachdeva College of Pharmacy is established by Sachdeva Educational Society (regd.) backed by Management of GGS College of Modern Technology, Kharar.

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